Vince Salandria
(1926 - 2020)
Author of False Mystery: Essays on the Assassination of JFK
"Vince Salandria was a pioneer in JFK assassination research, at a time when it took real guts to dissent from the official 'lone gunman' theory. He continued to take a strong interest in the work of younger Kennedy scholars and researchers such as myself. Vince not only contributed bound volumes of State Department records to me and my research colleague Karen Croft while we were working on our book Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, but a much needed cash donation when we were completing our subsequent book, The Devil's Chessboard, about the CIA during the Cold War. Vince was always a source of warm, shrewd, wisecracking support and Karen and I will miss him dearly."
-David Talbot
TRC Chairman Emeritus, co-founder of
and San Francisco journalist